“What is Talent?”

Okay so I researched the word Talent and here is what I have discovered…let see if what we have what they consider talent 🙂

By Wikipedia definition Talent:

  • Aptitude, a talent is a group of aptitudes useful for some activity, talents may refer to aptitudes themselves

An aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Aptitudes may be physical or mental. Aptitude is not knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained.

This reminded me of an aptitude test, measuring our IQ to see if we where we are intelligent and where we lack in our genius.

To me Talent is a skill, or set of skills, that you have perfected over years with diligent practice or are born with it. Such as the little girl musician who had already composed many pieces and was only 4 years old. She had to stand on the bench to reach all the keys. She is extremely gifted and was born with that passion to create and the ears to hear such symphony.

People such as Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  who was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. A master of his craft.

A few of the other talented artists who lived in a time I wish I would have lived include: M.C Escher known for his mathematical and symmetrical drawings. Leonardo Da Vinci known for the most popular last supper and the Mona Lisa.  These are just two of the many mathematical and artistic geniuses of their time. Their interest in anatomy, design, symmetry, realism and inventions are profound and striking. I am in awe at their passion and the beauty they portrayed in their craft.

We all have the potential to be talented or hold talent inside. Some of us are born with a fire in our souls that never seems to burn out and is fueled by stunning sunsets, a cool breeze or sky scraping mountains.

The artists of the past were not afraid of letting their talent show forth even if it meant ridicule at times and being shunned by many. These were often poor men, some slightly insane in their thoughts, yet not shying away from showing the world what they had. They painted and created for themselves….because they felt the desire of self-expression through art.

So do I think we have talent? Whether you are a writer, dreamer, drawer, inventor, sketcher, singer or dancer Yes you have talent! Embrace what you have been given and perfect it to the fullest! See what you are made of 😉

13 thoughts on ““What is Talent?”

    • I agree with you there. There is so much untapped potential in so many people who either lack the drive or the focus to pursuit said potential! Lets get them creating! Just think of what the world would be like if everyone expressed what they had 🙂 Thank you for the comment!

      • What a great world to imagine – to think what life would be like if we all let out the creativity.

        I appreciate your optimism. Positive people are a gift from God.

      • Thank you, and to you as well! People who see the world through eyes untanted by selfishness and bitterness, and embrace it with beauty and grace are a blessing in our slightly messed up world. Thank you for your input! I really do appreciate it

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